Thursday, October 01, 2009

October! Day Four

It's already the fourth day. And October! How did it get to be October already?

I've really been to busy the last couple of days to even think about going to my old haunts. Likely, I would have skipped it anyway. Between working my chiropractor gig, writing the articles I had to finish, the kids, my cold, and my parents being's a zoo, really.

I've been thinking about limits lately. While I was writing furiously for my writing job (in the dictionary under "redundant" see...), I was also writing email messages to some friends. It's neat, because I get a chance to find out different things about them and they find out some new bits about me. Cryssy had no idea I like Heroes. And I do! Well, Cryssy and I were chatting about boundaries. I was saying that I don't say no enough, which is how I end up at the end of the month, writing like a madwoman and doing 500 other things too. Those of you who know Cryssy know she is smart and sassy. So she said something about coming up here to teach me how to say no. And then that if I take her up on that, she is going to stage an intervention. I was howling.

But it got me thinking.

What has the last month been about, if not about saying no. Or at least forging boundaries. There was enough work for me to do with my own business and the job at the chiro's office was good, but taking up time and come winter will be a hectic commute in the snow. It was time to give myself a bit more time and space, so I essentially said no. I quit at the chiro's office. I felt like I spent a lot of time on my online haunts defending myself or arguing with people. And I was feeling like the online places were taking up huge amounts of time (and they were), so I said no to them too. Yesterday, when I had the worst of my cold, I had 2 more articles left and I could have tortured myself into writing them, but I said no. All of these "no" moments were phrased other ways, but they still boil down to setting boundaries. And it feels good.

I guess the question is: what am I going to say yes to now? What new projects, goals, and moments will shine through?

I'm waiting to see too.


Unknown said...

You can teach me a thing or two ... I have a TERRIBLE time saying no. But say Yes to something just for YOU!!

McCryssy said...

I totally agree with Lisa. Time for some You time! :)