Thursday, May 07, 2009

Little Bits of Busy

Last Sunday we were out and about. We had a chance to visit with Kate, our old babysitter (who had the nerve to grow up and go off to university!) at her place. She's in the center, holding Liam.

On Tuesday, Liam was having a grand time eating spaghetti. I am not sure who won that encounter when I look at his face, but it took him an hour to, I mean eat it. And he was happy!

I'm discovering that sometimes I am *that* mother. Tuesday afternoon, Ray came home to find the three of us sitting on the tile, surrounded by purple goo, eating popsicles. It was supposed to just be Xander and I, but I offered a lick to Liam and then he wouldn't let go.
And look what I found my little monkey doing this morning!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SUPER sweet! I love this baby!!