Saturday, December 12, 2009

Getting in the Spirit

Ray and I started putting our outdoor lights up at the beginning of November. Except we discovered that the one string wasn't long enough, so we hied ourselves off to Canadian Tire to buy more lights. We got our new lights, then came home and had dinner. It was too dark to get up the ladder by then. By the next day, Ray was too sick to think about Christmas lights. We had a pile of lights and other things to prepare for our outdoor display sitting on an extra kitchen chair.

November passed in a sick haze. I knew Christmas was coming, so I have been getting our Christmas cards ready and buying presents. Eventually Ray would be better again. I clung to that thought.

Well, Ray is better. Today we got out the ladder and the new lights and finished putting them up. It's not a huge display (certainly not the Festival of Mo, like my friend Maureen and her husband do at their house!), but it is simple and pretty. And the kids will adore it!

Last night we got the tree up. Ray and Xander are "fluffing" it as I am typing. Xander is all over himself with excitement. Liam is napping. That's the disadvantage of being 21 months old: no one thinks you are much help. tee hee

It looks like we will be ready for Christmas after all.

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