Tuesday we went to an indoor playground with another friend from my one online buddy group. This is my oldest buddy group and we've been together over 5 years now. It is amazing to me that we all got together because we were trying to have babies and now our babies are 4.
This is my friend Mary Beth. She's 13 weeks pregnant and we are tickled for her!
The hit of the day was the ambulance that was in one area. The three older kids were in and out of that thing forever.
Afterward we all went to a mall and had lunch together, then the kids rode the carousel. We have a family tradition that if we see a carousel, we ride it. This was Liam's second time (the first was Sunday at the Baysox game). I didn't get any pictures because I was holding Liam on his horse.
The funny moment of the day came when we were following the boys through Sears, on our way to the carousel, and they were running wildly out of the store and one of my girlfriends said to the one shop lady: "Want them? We're willing to sell!" (or something along those lines) and I chimed in with "Yeah, they are cute AND potty trained." and laughed. They were like a force of nature going through there, but they were good. Just busy, loud, and hell bent towards that carousel.
Last night we went into Virginia to see Amy and her family. The kids had a blast and the grown ups got a chance to visit. Nice perk, that.
Amy has a kids' pool on her patio and the kids had it propped up and were playing in it.
After playing, Xander and the girls watched some TV.
We tried to get pictures of all of the kids at the very end in their pajamas, but Liam was having nothing to do with it. He'd reached what I call his "expiration date" (like milk!) and was only happy being held. Otherwise he was wandering around complaining loudly about life in general.
We did get a good one of the older three though.
Ray and Jim:
SUPER fun! I can't believe you don't have any zoo pictures!
So exciting to see your pictures! I have been reading up on the board,too. I so wish we could be there to meet up with you all, too! Love, Michelle
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