Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time Passes

My parents have come and gone. My nephew had another birthday and is somehow six now (which means Xander will be 6 in a few short months as well!). We lost a friend suddenly and inexplicable to organ failure. I finished a technical writing contract. Christmas came and went. We are looking forward to friends visiting from Baltimore; they arrive tomorrow and stay until early next week. The New Year is coming. School will begin again. And I have heard that there will be more technical writing in 2011 too.

So much has past and is coming up.

I've mostly been silent because of having so much going on. Other days it is because I am busy chewing on my own thoughts and not sharing as much.

Liam is almost 3 now. He's suddenly really talking and it is mighty cute! Not so cute is the intense "WHY?" to everything. He also will answer "this" when asked what he is doing. I am having a glimpse into the 14 year old Liam.

Xander made me laugh with, "Well, that doesn't surprise me." the other day. Nothing gets by him.

Ray and I are busy, but enjoying some time off from work for two weeks and enjoying each other's company lots.

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