Tuesday, November 10, 2009

E-library & Exciting News

If you know me in person (and maybe even my e-friends too!) then you know that there is very little in the world that makes me as happy as a good book. Several good books can be cause for jumping up and down. Our house is covered in books, since Ray feels the same way. Only he's a "collector" (note to yourself that often "collector" is synonymous with "cannot weed through and will never get rid of anything", but I digress).

I recently delved into e-books. There were many reasons, but in a house covered in books and computers -- we have 6 working computers in a house that is less than 1100 square feet, with 4 people in it: 2 of whom are less than 5 years old (nope, that's not overkill, not one bit!) -- there was bound to be a marriage of books and electronics along the way.

I am loving my e-book reader. Tonight I bought two new books online. And then I had an idea...I had heard that you could borrow books from the library electronically. Our local library is decent, but I had doubts about e-books from it. So colour me surprised when I discovered that not only do they do e-books, but their collection is extensive! Hooray!

I got one for myself and two to share with Xander. We will see what happens when my book-happy son meets e-books.

Now...the thing is that as excited as I am about the library thing, it is not my news. No, no! The news is far more exciting.

Xander can READ!

Yup. He is reading "at" words. You know: cat, rat, mat, sat, bat. He deserves the gold star I placed above this news!

It's a start and we are over-the-moon excited about it.


Unknown said...

YEAH Xander!! You've fostered a love of reading in him that will last a lifetime! I'm assuming you got your reader fixed. I am thinking about getting one for my mom for Christmas. What kind do you have? I know you did some extensive research.

Laura said...

I did get the reader fixed. I got the latest Sony (PRS-600) and I do love it.